Why I chose the Proextender system
Once I’d realized that I wasn’t going to get a bigger penis with any kind of dick pills, or penis enhancement pills or expensive creams or gels and I’d definitely ruled out surgery, Proextender was the natural choice. The more I read about it the more I was convinced.
From the middle of the twentieth century, there had been a lot of interest in Europe in developing a method of penis enlargement which would actually add tissue to the penis. Physicians knew that skin cells under pressure would reproduce, creating more skin. This ability of the skin to multiply itself had already been used in techniques for treating burns. So why not apply it to the penis? The problem was that all the existing methods were crude and unpredictable.
In 1998, the first positive news appeared when a plastic surgeon from Copenhagen, Dr Jorn Siana, presented a paper at an international seminar on genital surgery in Barcelona, Spain. Siena’s paper was called Tractive Elongation of the Penis by Means of Stretching. In plain terms that means making the dick longer by stretching it. And that’s exactly what the Proextender was invented to do. But unlike earlier crude systems with weights or exercises, Proextender is engineered to apply exactly the right degree of traction in exactly the right direction, to allow the tissue under tension to reproduce, adding to the total tissue involved. So this device actually adds extra tissue to the penis.
In a controlled study of men using the Proextender system over 24 weeks there was an average increase in length of 29% and a 20% increase in penis length. According to the results, a typical case was an increase in erect length of 1.1 inch. I thought that sounded pretty promising.
I was pretty amazed when I read all that and immediately realized that the Proextender system was exactly what I needed to enlarge my feeble manhood. And then, although I didn’t really need any more convincing, I read some testimonials from men who had used Proextender . They were all so enthusiastic about Proextender and what it had done for them, that I decided I didn’t need to look any further.
That was when I ordered the Proextender system, and I haven’t looked back since. It’s been a long road, but I finally got to the end of it. I now have a long, thicker, heavier penis, even when it’s totally flaccid. I’m no longer embarrassed when a girl sees my dick for the first time. I’m more confident, I’m happier, and my sex life is great.
But I’ve got ahead of myself here. I want to explain to you exactly what happened every step along the way as I set out to grow my dick using Proextender . It wasn’t always easy, but I was encouraged almost from the first week by the small but steady increase in the size of my dick as I continued using the Proextender .
I’m not a patient guy, and I’ll generally give up on something if it’s taking too long. So if I could stick it out with the Proextender for the time it took me to get where I am today, then you can do it too, I’m sure. It’s pretty easy to have patience when you can see the results day by day, almost from the beginning.
In my next post, I’ll tell you the whole story from when my Proextender first arrived.