Is premature ejaculation ruining your sex life?

 Is premature ejaculation ruining your sex life?

premature ejaculation

     Do you find it difficult to last for a long time during intercourse?

     Do you typically reach orgasm before your partner?

     Are you embarrassed by your inability to control orgasm?

     Do you wish you could feel more confident in your love-making abilities?

     Is your partner dissatisfied with your sexual performance and stamina?

If so, then you need Orgasm Mastery.

If you sometimes ejaculate before you want to, you are not alone. Premature ejaculation is the most common form of sexual dysfunction today, affecting tens of millions of men from around the world.

Premature ejaculation can have devastating long-term effects on relationships and it contributes to lack of self-confidence, embarrassment, emotional and sexual trauma.

Premature Ejaculation: Defined

Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates sooner than he desires. This often leads to sex which is far less fulfilling for both partners, since the man is not capable of lasting as long as is needed for optimal pleasure and sexual satisfaction.

While some men experience trouble controlling their orgasm upon penetration, other men find it very difficult to last for more than just a few minutes of intercourse (which many agree is much too soon for successful love-making).

However, the length of time that a man can last is not necessarily the most important factor in diagnosing premature ejaculation. The crucial factor is whether or not you and your partner are truly satisfied with your sexual stamina.

For most women, a mere 5 minutes (or less) of intercourse is not enough to provide adequate pleasure.

So tell us, are you satisfying your partner?

According to the Kinsey Institute Report, the average male ejaculates in less than 2 minutes after insertion. On the contrary, the average woman needs at least 8-10 minutes of continuous stimulation in order to reach orgasm. Of course, many women need an even longer period of stimulation during intercourse in order to climax.

Considering these facts, it’s certainly no surprise that premature ejaculation is virtually every woman’s number one complaint when it comes to intercourse. Having the ability to last is truly the most important aspect of a healthy and mutually-fulfilling sexual relationship.

So even if you think you’re doing okay by lasting 5 minutes or so during sex, chances are that it’s still not enough to satisfy her completely.

And if your partner isn’t completely fulfilled in the bedroom, then that can lead to much bigger problems down the road. An unsatisfactory sex life can put a tremendous burden on your entire relationship with your partner. It can damage your sexual self-confidence, causing you to become an even worse lover in the process. Furthermore, an unfulfilling sexual relationship may force your partner to seek sexual fulfillment elsewhere. Cheating, extra-marital affairs, break-ups – even divorces – often stem from a disapointing sex life.

In short, premature ejaculation can virtually ruin a man’s life.

Please, don’t let it happen to you. Do something about it – right now.

So how can Orgasm Mastery improve your sex life?

Orgasm Mastery offers a simple, easy to follow program which has been carefully designed to effectively help men of all ages put an end to premature ejaculation forever.

Orgasm Mastery will show you how to last for as long as you want so that you and your partner can enjoy multiple orgasms and take your sex life to a whole new level.

Through the Orgasm Mastery Program, you’ll learn how to:

  • Make love for hours (literally)
  • Achieve the most intense and satisfying orgasms possible
  • Be the best lover your partner has ever had
  • Enjoy multiple orgasms without losing your erection
  • Regain the sexual vitality of your youth
  • Discover sexual positions that will give you even greater control
  • Improve your sexual self-confidence and love-making prowess
  • Never be embarrassed by premature ejaculation again
  • … and much more!

If you occasionally ejaculate sooner than you’d like, then this information can open up a whole new world for you.

You’ll be amazed to discover that the power of unlimited sexual stamina is now within reach.

With the Orgasm Mastery program:

     YOU can decide when you want to cum

     YOU can master your own orgasms

     YOU can become the best lover your partner has ever had

Trust us, YOU can do it. You can master your orgasms once and for all. The ability lies within you. All you have to do is allow us to show you how to do it.

Let the Orgasm Mastery Program show you how to untap your hidden sexual abilities.

Learn the important secrets for stopping premature ejaculation immediately. Gain control over one of the most important areas of your life – your sex life. Discover how to give your partners longer-lasting satisfaction for improved pleasure. Just think of what it will do for your sex life, your relationships – and for your confidence.

Best of all, results are GUARANTEED!

That’s right. We are so confident that our techniques will produce tremendous results for you, we even back our program with an exclusive 2 month money-back guarantee.

It’s completely and totally risk-free!

Are you ready to take the first step towards ending your premature ejaculation problems forever?

If so, you can get complete access to our program in just a moment and you’ll be on your way to a happier and healthier sex life