Strategies How to Lose Subcutaneous Fat


Strategies How to Lose Subcutaneous Fat

There are two kinds of fats, known as visceral & subcutaneous. Subcutaneous fat can’t cause harm and can actually protect the body against certain disorders. It is the fat which can be seen under the skin. Visceral fat envelopes the organs and is linked to various diseases. If you want to know how to lose subcutaneous fat, read on!

Strategies How to Lose Subcutaneous Fat

If you can pinch or see the fat, it is subcutaneous fat and is just beneath the skin. Lifestyle elements like exercise & diet and genetics play a part in developing subcutaneous fat. Individuals who are more prone to develop both kinds of fat include those:

  • Living a sedentary lifestyle; sitting all the time.
  • Consuming more calories compared to burning calories.
  • Not getting enough aerobic exercise.
  • A low muscle mass.
  • Diabetics or insulin resistant.

Factors which make losing fat difficult

Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is associated with visceral fat. This condition makes it more difficult to lose subcutaneous- and visceral fat.


Cytokines is released by visceral fat which increase inflammation, which is associated with gaining weight, whilst subcutaneous fat can be increased.

Weight loss approaches

People struggling with a great deal of subcutaneous fat, try to spot-decrease the fat for instance focussing on abdominal exercises, which not effective; they should try burning fat all over the body.

Effective exercise routines to burn fat

Cardio & Aerobic Exercise: Swimming, jumping rope & running, accelerate the heart rate.

HIIT (high-intensity interval training): Aerobic exercise’s fat-burning power will be increased. This comprises of short spates of activity which are followed up by lower activity periods.

Strength Training: Exercises like weightlifting don’t really burn fat. Calories are burned by muscle, when building muscle your metabolism will be boosted.

Diet: subcutaneous fat

Losing weight requires you to burn more calories than you had consumed. Protein can assist in reducing the cravings for foods high in fat and sugar. Sugar and carbs are associated with diabetes, metabolic disorders, & visceral fat. High protein foods will reduce the storing of fat, prevent metabolic disorders whilst boosting metabolism.

Manage your stress! During chronic stress, the body releases cortisol, the stress hormone. Prolonged cortisol exposure results in the undermining of weight loss. These are just some strategies how to lose subcutaneous fat and achieve your weight loss goal.



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